
Award Requirements

Uniform Guidance Requirements 

以下列出了适用于联邦奖励的联邦统一指南(UG)的关键要素。以下列出的项目代表了对OMB通告a -21和a -110中先前联邦法规的更改. Not all changes are noted, 只有那些可能对newbb电子平台研究界产生重大影响的研究.

奖励前/奖励后的问题可以直接到研究和赞助项目办公室 orsp@俄亥俄州.edu. Financial questions can be directed to 金融.grants@俄亥俄州.edu,或参阅您的LEO奖助金会计联络资讯. 此外,关于其他联邦合同要求见下文.

Federal Uniform Guidance

A-21 Cost Principles for Educational Institutions


LEO: Electronic Awards Administration System:   Award specific requirements 和 documents

间接成本费率协议(设施和行政成本费率) 于2019年1月16日与卫生与公众服务部进行了谈判. These rates remain in effect until June 30, 2023. 自2023年7月1日起,临时费率适用,直至修订.


Federal Uniform Guidance Regulations
类别DetailsLink to Regulation


  • Effectiveness 和 efficiency of operations
  • 内部和外部使用报告的可靠性
  • Compliance with applicable laws 和 regulations. 



Participant Costs (Trainees/Students)参与人支助费用不包括间接费用,需要机构批准才能为其他目的重新编制预算. This is documented in the newbb电子平台 Participant Costs 指导.200.1
Application of Guidance两套法规将会到位,并将取决于联邦裁决的发布和生效日期.  新的奖励和现有奖励的额外增量资助(资助增量)将属于新的指导方针.   没有获得增量拨款的现有奖项,将继续受颁发奖项时的条款和条件所规管. 200.110
Information Contained in a Federal Award有些奖项对技术/科学进展和财务报告的内容和时间有更明确的要求. 阅读你的奖励条款和条件是很重要的. 200.211
成本分摊Voluntary cost share is discouraged. 当赞助者要求分担费用并由俄亥俄州承诺时,它就成为一项具有约束力的承诺. 申报与直接成本相关的间接成本需要机构批准, or waived indirect costs, as part of a cost share commitment.  The cost share 过程 is documented in the 会计 for Cost Share 指导.200.306
项目收入所有产生收入的奖项(项目收入), 除非机构另有规定,这笔收入将用于支持项目的费用. 各机构可能要求对奖励结束后获得的收入负责.200.307

The Micro-Purchase Threshold (MPT), 《newbb电子》的要求已于7月1日实施, 2018 which includedM-18-18 OMB Statutory changes. 为了减少影响,尽可能降低主要调查人员和研究人员的行政负担, 该大学于11月13日申请并获得批准, 2018, from the University’s federal oversight agency, to adjust the MPT limit to $50,000 (from the current level of $10,000).  As a result of this change, 要求获得三(3)份针对联邦奖励的支出报价, has been eliminated.

这一变化使大学的竞争性招标门槛(根据 Ohio Revised Code section 125.05University policy 55.007 - Competitive Bidding) 和 the MPT at $50,000.  All purchases that are $50,000或更多, against any source of funds (including federal), must be competitively bid through 采购.

This is documented in the newbb电子平台 Federal 采购 的指导方针.

Subrecipient MonitoringRequires assessment of risk, 此外,还对次级接受者的监测和管理进行了澄清和重新定义. Includes 金融 和 Administration rates. 次级接受者有权获得其联邦协商的间接成本率或, if they do not have one, 10%的利率, 除非联邦裁决限制间接成本率.200.331
记录保留Electronic records are preferred to paper records.  当纸质文件取代电子文件时,它们必须接受定期的质量控制审查.200.334
清算最后进步, 财务报告和其他报告应不迟于履约期结束后90个日历日提交.200.344
前批准对于某些特殊/不寻常的费用,可能需要或建议事先获得代理机构的书面批准. 200.407
Administrative 和 Clerical 工作人员 CostsAdministrative 和 Clerical salaries in general, should not be direct charged, 但是,如果服务满足“积分”定义,则是允许的, are easily identifiable, 和 are explicit in the budget.  如果满足这四个要求,这些可以作为直接成本.   1. Administrative or clerical services are integral to a project or activity; 2. Individuals involved can be specifically identified with the project or activity; 3. Such costs are explicitly included in the budget or have the prior written approval of the Federal awarding agency; 和 4. The costs are not also recovered as indirect costs.200.413 (c)
Dependent Care Costs during Conferences为会议, the costs of identifying, 但不提供, 允许使用本地可用的家属护理资源.200.432
Exchange Rate Fluctuations允许因汇率波动而增加成本, 根据资金的可用性和机构的事先批准.200.440
计算设备If a computing device’s cost is less than $5,000美元,这是必不可少的,并分配给项目的绩效, it may be direct charged.  The device must be necessary to acquire, 商店, 分析, 过程, 并以电子方式发布数据和其他信息, 包括打印配件(或“外围设备”), transmitting 和 receiving, or storing electronic information.200.453
Pre-Award成本在裁决书生效日期之前发生的费用必须是有效和及时履行裁决书所必需的. 所有奖励前的费用可能需要事先获得代理机构的批准.200.458
Publication 和 Printing Costs研究成果的出版或印刷费用可由项目承担, even after the end of the award period.  这必须在合同结束日期(根据俄亥俄州的要求)或合同最终报告截止日期(以较早者为准)后60天内记录为费用. 200.461 (3)
Short-Term 旅行 Visa Costs在某些条件下,短期签证费用是允许的, 但长期(移民)签证费用是不允许的.200.463 (d)


Federal Contract Requirements 

Grant Guidance for Federal Contracts


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (PDF)


E-Verify Requirement (PDF)