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Student Advisory Board


As primary stakeholders in the 服务, 资源, 和空间 of the Ohio University 库, the Student Advisory Board (SAB) provides students direct access to the administrative 领导 of the 库 and exists to facilitate two-way communication between students and library staff. The Board advises the Dean of University 库 on important and impactful issues related to the 库’ spaces, 服务, 资源, 编程, and 集合 on all campuses. The Board is a key stakeholder in advancing the 库’ Strategic Plan and its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Benefits of serving on SAB

•    Have an impact on the 库’ 服务, 项目, 政策, 事件, 资源, 集合, 和空间.
•    Develop important relationship and networking skills.
•    Gain valuable career readiness skills such as communication, 领导, professionalism, 和团队合作.
•    学习 first-hand about a wide variety of opportunities and 资源 available from the 库.
•    Help fellow students by representing students’ ideas and concerns.


会员 on SAB is composed of the executive 领导 of the University 库, representatives from library staff, and approximately a dozen undergraduate and graduate students representing a variety of student perspectives and needs. 

Terms of service may vary for student representatives, but it is generally desirable for students to serve for at least 2 years.

SAB meetings typically occur twice each fall and spring semesters.
If you are interested in becoming a member, attending a Student Advisory Board meeting, or suggesting an issue for a SAB agenda, 请 contact the 库.

The Board launched Spring semester of 2021 and has informed several initiatives of the 库, including work around 俄亥俄州 研究 Spaces.
Academic year 2022-23 members:  COMING SOON
Academic year 2021-2022 student members of the SAB were:

•    Maribel Antunez-Uriostegui
•    Mo Bailey
•    Remington Burwell
•    April Dale
•    Makalia Jones
•    Kelley Lach
•    Gabi Lindsey
•    Faustina Mensah
•    Anna-Kaye Rowe
•    Natasha Simons, chair
•    Corrin Smith
•    Cassandra Thompson