



与哈雷戴维森西贡作为客户, GLC students – working in conjunction (on-line) with students and professors from Nha Trang University (Vietnam) – conducted two research projects.  一组GLC & 南洋理工大学的学生研究了H-D西贡如何进入越南的租赁和旅游市场.  Another group researched 问题 concerned with how this iconic American brand is perceived in Vietnam – and how American Harley enthusiasts view H-D’s entry into the Vietnamese market.  为了收集数据, 学生参观华迪经销商(包括华迪西贡), 举办焦点小组会议, 管理调查.  在学期结束时, GLC学生前往芽庄两周,与他们的越南队友见面, 完成他们的研究, 并为哈雷戴维森西贡的经理们做总结报告.


我们的柬埔寨项目包括为金边的几个非政府组织提供咨询. 与吐斯陵大屠杀博物馆合作, GLC and American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) students were given the project charge of strengthening the relationship between the director of the museum and his staff in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness concerning museum operations. 这个小组的GLC学生参观了美国大屠杀纪念馆等博物馆, 采访了其他著名国家博物馆的负责人, 并与来自多个领域的newbb电子平台教授会面进行研究. 在柬埔寨, 该小组与他们的AUPP队友一起与吐斯陵的主任和工作人员举行了会议, 管理调查和评估, 并收集其他相关数据.  两周后, the group presented several recommendations pertaining to the project charge that included a mentorship program between new and experienced staff members, 实施评估制度, 角色和职责图表的运用, 以及提高员工参与度和积极性的方法.


学生 were charged with designing policy memos that addressed the northeastern region of Nigeria in the wake of Boko Haram, 乌克兰冲突的解决方案, 或者在阿富汗打击激进主义. GLC学生与来自德国莱比锡大学美国研究专业的学生合作进行了一项研究. 使用3d防御, 外交, 发展) Security strategy they examined US and German interests in anti-terrorism and global 安全 concerns. 这些复杂的情况要求学生了解如何防御, 外交, 我们可以把发展的利益结合起来,共同解决这些国际问题. 结束他们的项目, they presented their recommendations to prominent government figures such as a representative from the Department of State in Washington, D.C. 

Tropical Disease Institute (TDI) and Center for Infectious and Chronic Disease Research (CICDR) (Community Health and Application of Scientific Research, 美国/厄瓜多尔,)

与newbb电子平台热带疾病研究所(TDI)合作, and its sister organization the Center for Infectious and Chronic Disease Research (CICDR) of Catholic University in 厄瓜多尔, 学生们获得了有关创收如何有益于社区卫生的项目费用, 生物/医学研究, 并帮助抗击南美锥虫病. For this project students needed to understand the complexities and intersections of poverty and disease, as well as how scientific research can be applied in various ways with the collaboration of various disciplines. 参与该项目的合作伙伴包括厄瓜多尔卫生部、住房部 & 城市发展, 市长, 卡里亚曼加的旅游部长, Loja, 厄瓜多尔, 瓜拉社区, Bellamaraia, 和Chaquizca, 以及天主教大学的学生.


Working in conjunction with visiting students and professors from Lebanese International University (LIU), GLC的学生研究了阿拉伯之春对美国对该地区外交政策的影响.  以兰德公司为客户, this project examined the US’s different policies towards a number of key countries —including Lebanon, 以色列, 埃及, 利比亚, 巴林, 叙利亚, 阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE), 卡塔尔, 科威特和也门.  通过建立博客和为当地社区发展教育项目, GLC and LIU students explored the potential 影响 of the Arab Spring revolutions on the US's political and 安全 initiatives with some of the most significant regional actors.  The blog and the educational outreach initiatives engaged a wide range of individuals in cross-cultural dialogue, enabling all involved to have a better understanding Middle 东部 culture and relations with the United States.


与一组客户合作, 赞助商, 以及包括德国大使馆在内的合作伙伴, 德国研究与创新中心(NYC), and the Edison Biotechnology Institute (newbb电子平台) GLC and visiting 莱比锡 students researched two interrelated questions. “What are the commercialization opportunities for biotechnology in Southeast 俄亥俄州 and in 萨克森 (德国),以及“美国的‘创业生态系统’是如何形成的?, 俄亥俄州, 雅典, 以及newbb电子平台——与德国的类似系统相比, 萨克森, 莱比锡, 以及莱比锡大学?“在初步研究完成后, the GLC and 莱比锡 students traveled first to the to the German Center for Research and Innovation in New York City to both present their research and get feedback from GCRI staff members.  They then presented their research findings to senior members of the Edison Biotechnology Institute at newbb电子平台.  最后, 许多GLC学生去了莱比锡, 德国再次向美国外交官和莱比锡的其他人展示了这些发现.

非洲的小额供资和减轻贫穷(通讯), 文化, 发展, 小额信贷, 提高意识)

This award-winning project has GLC students working in conjunction with students from the University of Liberia's (West Africa) 小额信贷 Research and Training Programme (MRTP).  GLC和MRTP学生研究成功, 和失败的, 利比里亚的小额信贷倡议, 以及利比里亚以外的国家.  检查和分析从这些项目中学到的“教训”, MRTP and GLC students consider the applicability of these microfinance programs' strategies to the current Liberian context.  学生使用各种媒体进行合作, 包括视频会议(由美国政府提供给利比里亚学生).S. 驻蒙罗维亚大使馆).

万豪国际(新媒体, 公共关系, 市场营销, 欧洲各国, 中东, 和亚洲)

从而对万豪国际的盛行提出建议, 影响, 以及“新媒体”(博客)的有效性, 播客, 手机短信, 伊命, YouTube, Flickr, 等.),学生们首先调查了美国新媒体的现状.  使用此信息作为基准, 然后他们研究了这种媒体在英国的有效性, 德国, 澳大利亚, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 印度, 墨西哥, 中国, 和日本.  然后,学生们拜访了公关公司的高管,并与他们交谈, 举办焦点小组会议, 为了更多地了解这些媒体的当前使用情况,并思考未来.  在项目结束时,学生们前往华盛顿特区.C. 向万豪国际集团全球总部的高管们展示他们的提案.

日本茶室 & 神道教神社(公共关系, 美学, 当地政府, 社区服务, 文化及宗教)

为了培养对语境的适当的背景理解, 学生们首先研究了日本佛教之间的相互关系, 神道教(日本本土宗教), “茶道”," and the Japanese aesthetic concept of wabi sabi ("beauty of things imperfect; sad beauty").  因此接地, 这些小组与当地社区领导人合作开展工作, the State of 俄亥俄州's Office of Multicultural Affairs and International Relations (Office of the Governor), JETRO(日本对外贸易组织)和JASCO(日本俄亥俄州中部协会), 为了拯救一家日本茶馆 & 神道教神社在二战后被带到俄亥俄州.  项目包括公共关系、宣传活动和历史文献.


GLC的学生跟踪并分析了奥巴马总统的“头100天”.与来自莱比锡大学的学生合作, students prepared documents sufficient to advise German and American policy makers and diplomats (in 德国) on preparing a German-American policy summit focusing on a "New Transatlantic Agenda" (paying special attention to German - American financial, 安全, 和环境, 等. 问题.).  在初步研究完成之后, 学生们前往莱比锡完成他们的研究.  学生们向美国外交官和莱比锡的其他人展示了这些发现.

哈佛大学多元主义项目(宗教、领导、文化、印度) & 美国)

与来自印度的访问学生一起工作, GLC students documented (in the form of case studies) leadership 问题 in a Hindu community in West Virginia. 学生们研究印度教和印度文化. 他们的主要研究, 学生们在这个社区度过了一个周末, 与会员交谈, 参加或遵守宗教仪式,听古典印度音乐. Final documents (case studies) were submitted for inclusion in Harvard University's Pluralism Project.


Working in conjunction with the Embassy of Poland and the State of 俄亥俄州's International Trade Division, GLC的学生研究了俄亥俄州和波兰建立经济桥梁的方法.  本研究要求学生对……有详细的了解, 除此之外, 波兰经济, 进出口规例, 国际贸易展览会, 技术行业及界别.  学生 from the College of Entrepreneurship and Management at Nowy Sacz Business School in Poland joined the project and assisted GLC students with their research.  这些团队随后前往华盛顿特区.C. 向大使提出他们的建议, 辅导员, 以及波兰共和国大使馆的其他贵宾.

伊拉克战后重建(科学) & 技术、公共政策、卫生、环境、国际合作)

Working with partners in the Iraqi Ministry of Environment and engineering students in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Al-mustansiriya University in Baghdad, GLC-Iraqi student teams assessed the potential threats to public health and the environment from the use of depleted uranium munitions and other spent depleted uranium war materials in recent conflicts in Iraq.  Research on how the threat is currently defined and what domestic and international actors are involved in problem identification and potential problem remediation was presented to the Ministry of Environment in Iraq for review. GLC的学生们也参与了关于这个问题的教育外展,以newbb电子平台社区.