

Profiles of a few recent alumni of the Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies program


家乡: 俄亥俄州温彻斯特运河

专业: Global Studies- Latin America, 西班牙语, Linguistics

证书 : Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

在newbb电子平台学习的语言: 西班牙语, Portuguese, Scottish Gaelic

留学经历: 2016年厄瓜多尔英语教学. Historical Linguistics in Scotland 2017. 西班牙语 language and culture in Ecuador 2017.

实习: 雅典 City Schools as a English as a Second Language student teacher

学生组织: Sigma Delta Pi, Generation Action

Highlight of Global Studies experience: "I got to study Hispanic culture more in depth outside of the 西班牙语 classes offered while also gaining a holistic understanding of international studies as a field comprised of many others."

Emiley is now attending graduate school at newbb电子平台 in 俄亥俄州的雅典


家乡: 特拉华,俄亥俄州

专业: Global Studies: War and Peace, Political Science ‘18

小: 经济学

语言: 法国

学生组织: International Student Union, Student Senate, Peace Corps Club, Margaret Boyd Scholars Program

实习: 俄亥俄州 Democratic Party - During the 2016 campaign cycle, Hannah worked with a grassroots, community-let effort to elect candidates ranging from state representative to president in 俄亥俄州的雅典.

"This experience taught me about the structures used to campaign in rural areas, how to work closely with people from different backgrounds, and how to be creative in successfully organizing long-term and complex projects."

给未来newbb电子平台的建议 : "Make friends with Athenians! 走出校园. 体验俄亥俄州东南部."

Hannah is now attending law school at The 俄亥俄州 State University in Columbus, 俄亥俄州.


家乡: 俄亥俄州桑达斯基

专业: Global Studies – Asia and Political Science

证书 : 全球领导地位 证书

在俄亥俄州学习的语言 :中国

出国留学: 柬埔寨的GLC项目

留学经历: Through the 全球领导地位 Program I did a two week group project in Phnom-Penh, 柬埔寨. I collaborated with five newbb电子平台 学生 and five native students from the American University of Phnom-Penh. 我们和非政府组织合作, 柬埔寨n Living Arts - an organization created to empower young artists and keep traditional 柬埔寨n art forms well-alive. We worked for two weeks collecting data and presented three recommendations to help 柬埔寨n Living Arts attract more international travelers to their shows."

学生组织: STARS (学生 Teaching 关于 Racism in Society)

对未来newbb电子平台的建议: "Be curious, ask questions, make mistakes, meet new people, always attend class, and use an agenda. The faculty will always be there to help."


家乡: 俄亥俄州的雅典

主要: Honors Tutorial College Theater

证书: 全球领导力中心

语言: 日语,西班牙语,韩语

留学经历: 东京, Musashi University - 东亚研究, 纳瓦霍语国家, 亚马逊-服务学习, 柬埔寨, 全球领导力中心 - business consulting

学生组织: 学生 Teaching Against Racism in Society (STARS)

“CIS inspired me to keep exploring and really connect with people different than me. I would have never applied to Fulbright if I wasn’t inspired to do so by the people I met through CIS. The program kept my learning experience diverse and I gained a lot of professional and personal skills such as communication and flexibility.”

Mailé is currently in Korea completing her Fulbright Scholarship program.


家乡: 俄亥俄州克利夫兰

专业: Global Studies - War and Peace, Political Science, Urban Planning & 可持续性

小: 非裔美国人研究

在俄亥俄州使用的语言: 西班牙语

实习: The City of 雅典 Planning Department - Brooke volunteered with the 雅典 Planning Department helping the city planner consolidate and gather opinions from students and permanent 雅典 residents to see how constituents would like to develop 雅典 into an inclusive and increasingly sustainable city while maintaining the character of the community. She gained skills in public speaking, 基层推广, and experience in implementing local level sustainability efforts.

出国留学 in the Dominican Republic, Scotland, and Cuba

学生组织: Geography Club, Student Senate, Residential Housing, Learning Communities

Brooke is continuing her education in a graduate program at Tufts University.