Online Master's in 化学

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Online Master's in 化学

A master's 学位 in three semesters

化学 & 生物化学 Department offers the M.S. in 化学 online and on campus. With convenient online courses, 你可以在短短三个学期内获得获得学位所需的全部30个学分. 一路走来, 您将获得广泛的化学和生物化学主题的技能和知识.


  • Convenient online courses
  • Designed for science teachers and professionals
  • 没有论文
  • 30 credits — can be completed in three semesters
  • 没有GRE考试

    Professional development for career success

    该计划是专门为科学教师谁寻求教双招生或获得额外的证书和科学专业人士. 我们的目标是帮助学生成为高效和成功的科学家和教师,为他们提供跨学科的技能和专业发展,以提高他们的职业成功.


    Renowned faculty

    学生将由教授我们校内课程的同一组国际知名教授授课. 化学 & newbb电子平台生物化学系拥有一支杰出的教师队伍,他们的研究兴趣遍及化学科学的各个领域. 研究生课程的使命是在促进学生和教师之间合作和互动的氛围中提供与社会相关和及时的教育和研究.



    A thesis is not required for this 学位; instead, 你将写一篇由导师指定的研究文献综述文章.

Costs and 金融援助

学费和杂费是根据注册的学时数来评估的, Ohio residency and program.

金融援助: When graduate students take two 4-hour courses per semester, 出于经济援助的目的,他们的出勤率被认为是半天. U.S. 公民和永久居民可以通过newbb电子平台的联邦资助贷款 Office of Student 金融援助 and 奖学金. The Ohio University school code is 003100.


No, this program is fully online.

How many classes should I take each semester?

You can take any number of classes that are being offered. You can take just one class per semester if you wish to do so. 希望在秋季或夏季连续三个学期完成30学分课程的学生,在三个学期中每个学期选修两门4学分的课程,最后一个学期选修6学分的CHEM 6950研究和论文.


No. 从你第一次开始硕士学位的研究生学习到你完成硕士学位要求的学期之间的最长时间是六个日历年.

Can I register to online M.S. 如果我对获得学位不感兴趣的话,我可以选修化学课, and I just want to participate in a few classes?

是的, you can take classes without aiming at receiving an M.S. 学位.

When can I graduate?

你可以一次毕业(1)你获得了30个学分,(2)你的平均绩点达到3.0或更高, (3)通过5门不同的5000级课程,成绩达到B级或更高, (4)修读化学6950课程6学分,成绩达到B或B以上.

Is B- a passing grade?

B-是及格分数,在某种意义上,学生将获得与该课程相关的4个学分, 但是学生必须通过6门课程中的5门,成绩达到B (3).0) or higher AND receive a B (3.0) or higher in CHEM 6950 to graduate.

No course with a grade below C (2.0)可用于满足任何研究生学位或证书要求. 

获得超过一个B级或更低成绩的学生将接受复查, academic probation and possible dismissal.

What GPA do I need to graduate?

研究生学位或证书的授予要求累计毕业GPA至少为3分.0 – GPA cannot be “rounded up” to achieve a 3.0.

Can I repeat a class to raise my GPA?

第二次修读研究生水平的课程不会取消或取代以前的成绩 Grading Information).

研究生学位或证书的授予要求累计毕业GPA至少为3分.0 – GPA cannot be “rounded up” to achieve a 3.0.

学生不能为了提高GPA而重修已经通过的课程. That is true for any class graded C or better.

Do I have to be a teacher to join the program?

一点也不. Anyone can join the program, as long as they hold a B.S. 化学学位(或研究生招聘委员会认为同等的化学学位) & 生物化学 Department at Ohio University).


是的, lectures are always available. 但根据课程大纲,课程对家庭作业有严格的截止日期.

Can I begin the program in any semester?



如果你已经申请但尚未被录取,你需要申请不同的学期. 回到你的 application portal and complete a new application. New materials must accompany a new application.

If you have already been admitted, 联系化学和生物化学研究生项目主任, Dr. Katherine Cimatu, at cimatu@俄亥俄州.edu. Note: please contact Dr. Cimatu at least three weeks prior to the start of a term.

How often are each of the required major courses offered?

此时此刻, classes are offered once year, 除了每学期提供的CHEM 6950.

Are all of the CHEM courses offered in the 7-week format?

是的,所有课程都遵循相同的格式,除了CHEM 6950,这是一个14周的完整学期课程.

我如何完成学位所需的6个学分的CHEM 6950?

The 6 credits must be taken in a single full semester, 同时或以B级或以上成绩通过CHEM 5200(化学文献)后. The 研究生 Chair in the Department of 化学 and 生物化学 will send you specific information related to registration to CHEM 6950; please do not register to this course until you have received that information.


  1. “Master of Science (MS), 化学 Degree,”2023年4月24日检索自 http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Degree=Master_of_Science_(MS)%2C_Chemistry/Salary 


For more info about the Online M. S. in the 化学 & 生物化学 Department at Ohio University please contact Dr. Michael Jensen是化学学院在线毕业生招聘委员会的主席 & 生物化学 Department.
Dr. Michael Jensen