

初级护理 and Health Outcomes 研究


初级护理 and Health Outcomes 研究 is a strategic collaboration between the departments of Family Medicine, 老年病学, 儿科, 社会医学, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, 专业医学, and 社区卫生 as well as other collaborators within Heritage College, newbb电子平台 and our community. It operates within the Clinical & Translational 研究 Unit to advance health outcomes research and offers support for all stages of research, from initial conception to dissemination.

Primary care researchers have expertise in diabetes, 卫生政策, 老年病学, 姑息治疗, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, rural and underserved populations, 食品不安全, 妇女的健康, 孕产妇, infant and child health, 儿童肥胖, patient-provider communication, 医学教育, community-based research, 创伤知情护理, osteopathic principles and practices, 退伍军人健康, 营养, 生活方式药, behavioral health integration, 全球健康, 病人导航, 和阿米什人的健康.


  • provide a collaborative environment where faculty, 学生, residents and community members can work together to translate science into practice of medicine and caring for our patients and communities;
  • evaluate innovations to provide the best health care to patients;
  • understand how to better organize health care to meet the needs of patient and population needs; and
  • engage patients, communities, and practices to improve health overall.

我们的愿景是 be nationally recognized as one of the leading colleges for primary care and health outcomes research.


To collaborate with Heritage College primary care researchers, investigators are encouraged to reach out the CTRU as early as possible when planning their project.


电子邮件: CTRU@俄亥俄州.edu


在Facebook上关注我们: @OhioUniversityCTRU