

飞行是许多人的梦想,而这是一个你可以用飞机实现的梦想 航空学位newbb电子平台. Whether you want to earn your wings by learning how to become a pilot and fly commercially, 从地面监督操作, 或者将驾驶专业知识与其他重点结合起来, 我们为您提供一个理想的航空项目.

在俄亥俄州的航空项目中获得学士学位, 你将在飞行背后获得全面而引人入胜的科学教育, 再加上在大学拥有的飞机后面的大量时间! 到最后, you’ll have earned the flight certificates and ratings to work as an official pilot and launch your career to the sky.




    俄亥俄州的航空飞行计划 是未来飞行员和任何想要尽快飞上天空的学生的理想选择! You’ll start aviation coursework right away and begin earning your pilot certification through newbb电子平台’s FAA-approved 第141部分飞行程序.



    Interested in what it takes to run and organize airports and other aviation companies successfully? 的 航空管理学位e covers many of the same topics as the aviation flight program but also incorporates classes 从 the 商学院 所以你可以掌握这个行业独特的物流挑战.



    航空飞行技术两年制学位 enables you to become a pilot but also leaves enough room for you to earn a full bachelor’s degree in another academic area of choice, 比如通信或商业. It’s an excellent option for those who may wish to work in the aviation industry in non-commercial-pilot contexts. 


  • 雅典,俄亥俄州,住宿校园

    获得航空学士学位, 你需要去机场, 这意味着上学的时间是 俄亥俄州在雅典的住宿校园. 但除此之外,这是一个赚翅膀的好地方, 提供学生设施,加上繁华的市中心,有大量的商店, 博物馆, 以及课外娱乐的社交中心.

  • 地区校园

    Certain general education courses and electives can be completed at 俄亥俄州’s regional campuses. Consider applying to these campuses if you want to get a jumpstart with your degree or if you need to take a semester or two away 从 雅典.






职业生涯 在航空领域

航空, 航空管理, or aviation technology degree 从 newbb电子平台 unlocks careers both in the sky and on the ground! 事实上, the aviation industry has lots of job openings and opportunities for advancement depending on your skills and your focus, 如:

  • 飞行员
  • 飞行教官
  • 航空公司经理
  • 航空货运专员
  • 企业试点
  • 机场经理


newbb电子平台获得航空学位后, you’ll be certified to work as a flight instructor or commercial pilot – especially since you can earn a four-year degree on top of your pilot’s license! Many graduates emerge 从 school with job offers 从 major airlines or immediately start work as instructors for 俄亥俄州 or other organizations.

然而, 如果你转而攻读航空管理学位, 你就可以直接进入一个 MBA研究生课程 如果你想继续你的学业,并将你的职业选择扩展到其他领域.


当你在newbb电子平台学习航空时,你会驾驶非凡的飞机. 俄亥俄州拥有一支由15架飞机组成的机队 从 manufacturers like Cessna and Piper – and you can visit the airfield when you take a tour of the 雅典 campus!


不知道该期待什么 罗斯工程技术学院? 参加年会 俄亥俄州的工程和技术日 to speak to the faculty of the aviation program firsthand and see the extensive aviation facilities nearby!

学习 如何成为一名飞行员并获得航空学位的实践经验

  • 为你的执照增加飞行时间

    俄亥俄州’s aviation programs are FAA-approved – meaning you’ll earn the license to work as a pilot by the time you graduate. 事实上, you’ll spend lots of time in the sky with an instructor 从 your first year of school: the ultimate 从实践经验中学习 像驾驶这样的实际操作! 学生在毕业时也有资格获得限制特权的ATP证书, enabling them to become employed with an airline once they reach 1000 hours of flight time as an aviation flight graduate, 或者1250小时作为航空飞行技术毕业生.

  • 跳进飞行模拟器

    除了在真实的飞机上练习,newbb电子平台的航空专业学生还可以在 飞行模拟器. Some of the most crucial experiences our students benefit 从 are those where they work with fellow students like a real-world flight crew, 作为团队成员学习如何沟通和解决复杂问题.

  • 在机场和其他设施完成航空实习

    没有实际的工作经验,newbb电子平台的课程是不完整的, which is why faculty members and success advisors will work to help you find internship opportunities at airports and similar locations. 到你毕业的时候, 你不仅会获得几张飞行证书, 但你也可以有数百人作为真正的飞行员工作.

  • 参加学生组织

    有一个俄亥俄航空专业学生的组织. 加入一个或几个 学生组织 形成终身的伙伴关系. 我们一些最受欢迎的航空相关组织包括俄亥俄州 航空领域的女性 章节和俄亥俄州 全国黑人工程师协会 章.

  • 在俄亥俄当讲师

    As you gain skills and aviation expertise, students can work as instructors at newbb电子平台. This is an excellent way to further accumulate more flight hours and earn higher piloting licenses.

为什么 选择航空学位?

航空业有很多职业机会, especially since many experienced pilots are retiring in the near future due to federal mandates. New skilled pilots – as well as managerial or technical professionals – are needed to keep airports running – and will be in high demand for the foreseeable future.

Students might wonder why they should complete an 航空学位 program instead of attending flight school -the answer is competitiveness. 在大航空公司工作并获得高薪机长职位意味着脱颖而出, 学位可以帮助你做到这一点. +, having a four-year degree under your belt is considered to be a requirement for many of the most competitive positions.

But there’s another reason why an 航空学位 从 newbb电子平台 is well worth your time. 与标准飞行学校相比, newbb电子平台在更深层次上将教师和学生联系起来. 的 bonds you’ll make during your time in your aviation program will help you rise throughout your career and provide for a more engaging, 充实大学生活.


没有飞机是很难学会飞行的, 这就是为什么newbb电子平台拥有并经营我们自己的机场! 它位于雅典主校区西南12英里处, so you’ll easily be able to hop in a plane and clock some training hours throughout your program without sinking a ton of time into commuting.

作为一名航空学生, 你会驾驶像塞斯纳152这样的飞机, Piper Warrior iii, 和比奇男爵, all of which are perfect for training flights and clocking instructor hours later in your journey. Our airport and aircraft are examples of how 俄亥俄州 gives you everything you need to succeed as an aviator 从 day one.

但作为newbb电子平台航空专业的学生,这并不是你受益的全部. 在教室里, 学生与教师的比例很低, 而且所有入职的飞行员都可以申请各种 航空奖学金 减轻财政负担. 你是否需要同伴的支持, 一对一的辅导, 或者花一些额外的时间练习来获得你的证书, 你会在俄亥俄得到你想要的.



当你在newbb电子平台攻读航空学位的时候, you’ll participate in a unique blend of traditional college classroom instruction with actual hands-on flight time. You’ll find some of the best flight school elements and get to enjoy classic college experiences during the same four years.

对于我们所有的学生来说,这是一段难忘而充实的时光, 我们教师的专注和才华使我们做得更好. 充足的飞行时间, 愉快的大学活动, and help to land a job after graduating: you’ll find these benefits and more as you apply!


  • 航空管理副修

    通过辅修航空管理课程, students can gain valuable insights into the unique challenges and opportunities within the aviation industry. 这门辅修课程可以补充金融等非航空领域的专业, 经济学, 工程, 或者其他不相关的学科, while also preparing students for careers in their primary field of study within the aviation industry.