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Mark Waters

Mark Waters
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
341 Shannon Hall

Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee 

M.S., Biology, Central Michigan University

B.Sc., Life Sciences, University of Westminster, London


  • BIOS 1700: Biological Sciences I: Molecules and Cells
  • BIOS 1705: Biological Sciences I: Laboratory
  • BIOS 1710: Biological Sciences II: Ecology, Evolution and Animal Body Systems
  • BIOS 1710: Biological Sciences II: Laboratory
  • BIOS 2050: Human Biology: Sex and Reproduction
  • BIOS 3010: Human Anatomy
  • BIOS 3015: Human Anatomy Laboratory
  • BIOS 3300: Principles of Evolution
  • BIOS 3450: Human Physiology
  • BIOS 3455: Human Physiology Laboratory