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Marchers hold a banner that reads "Take Back the Night"
Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Baker Ballroom, Baker Center | 1 Park Pl, 雅典, OH 45701

装饰图形文字“夺回夜晚”4月4日星期四. 7-8:30PM. Baker Ballroom"


Over the years, 俄亥俄州's Take Back the Night event, which is part of an international movement, has included a march through the town of 雅典, inspirational speakers, artistic pieces 和 performances, healing ceremonies, 和 online awareness campaigns. 


2024 Take Back the Night Schedule

  • 6:30 pm: Doors Open
  • 7 pm - 8 pm: Speakers
  • 8 pm: March

Ways to Participate


Recognize 多样性, Intersectionality, 和 Inclusion

我们要求所有参与“夺回夜晚”活动的人,作为幸存者的盟友,致力于持续的教育和改进. 《newbb电子》不仅仅是关于这一天,这一事件,或者这一刻. 它是关于创造一个永远支持幸存者的世界.

“夺回雅典之夜”的组织者致力于多元化和包容性. 花点时间思考一下,压迫和权力的交集是如何导致人际暴力不成比例地发生在最边缘化的群体身上的.

We are committed to uplifting the voices of survivors. 我们也认识到,出于歧视和安全考虑, there are many survivors that we may not hear from. 我们在这里向那些沉默的人和那些不再与我们在一起的人致敬.

Rally 和 March

“夺回夜晚”集会的演讲人将分享, 授权, 和 inspire to kick off the evening. 后来, participants will march through the streets of 雅典, chanting 和 holding signs in support of survivors.

Become a Speaker

要在这次活动中分享你的故事,请发电子邮件到妇女中心 womenscenter@俄亥俄州.edu. 写几句你想说的关于你独特的幸存者经历的话. Indicate in your email the best way to contact you back.

Things to consider before sharing your story

Social Media Posts


请考虑到交叉性、多样性和包容性. Please post from your perspective, 未经他人允许,不要透露他们的经历.

Things to consider before sharing your story


Our hashtags can help you frame your posts. Use them as a guide for content.

  • #SurvivorsUniteTBTN: 我们鼓励所有帖子使用这个主题标签. #SurvivorsUniteTBTN创造了一个空间,让人们认识到能见度是有力量的.
  • #SupportSurvivorsBy
  • #StartByBelieving
  • #IWillWalkWithYou


为了代表我们的校园和社区的努力,请标记 @俄亥俄州u, @俄亥俄州womencenter @Cityof雅典OH in your posts.

Participate Anonymously on Social Media

如果你还没准备好或者不能以其他方式参与, 我们希望你能提供支持性的信息,我们可以在活动期间通过newbb电子平台妇女中心的推特账户(@俄亥俄州WomenCenter)匿名与幸存者分享. 

Start By Believing Pledge 和 Documentary

Start by Believing pledge online 和 post a selfie with it.

俄亥俄州纪录片《newbb电子》. 在雅典了解一名幸存者的经历,并鼓励其他人也来观看.

分享 Your Story

我们想放大幸存者的声音,我们也想保护他们. Before sharing your story, we encourage you to speak with an advocate who can help you consider:

分享 publicly for the first time

分享, especially on social media, 也许一个瞬间的快速决定能产生持久的影响. 虽然分享对一些人来说是自由的,但这并不是保证. 你可能没有适当的支持来引导你的情绪反应. Even if you have shared before, 与其他形式的分享相比,在社交媒体上分享会让人感觉更持久、更公开.  

的 risks of sharing online

分享 online has risks, including (but not limited to) online bullying, 通过截图/转发的方式永久保存(这可能会以你不希望也无法控制的方式公开你的故事), 和 emotional responses that you may not predict. 你可以在许多社交媒体平台上举报欺凌或挑衅行为. 请考虑到我们有像夺回夜晚这样的事件,因为在许多方面,我们仍然存在于一个将性暴力合法化的文化中. 因此,对我们事件的反应可能并不总是积极的,我们可能会面临反弹.

Defamation 和 lawsuits for naming a perpetrator

我们不建议使用犯罪者的名字,除非此人在法庭上被定罪. Free speech is protected, but with limitations. 分享当事人的姓名可能会导致法律后果, including litigation or defamation suits. 即使故事是匿名的,分享关于地点、日期等信息., can be used to guess about parties involved.


Making an official report

虽然参加这个活动不需要你做正式报告, 如果你选择向newbb电子平台或执法部门报告不当性行为,你在这次活动中分享的任何内容都可能成为未决或未来调查的一部分.

M和atory Reporting Exemption 

通常, 大多数newbb电子平台的员工在合法地观察或了解到潜在的校园性行为不端时,必须立即向大学公平和民权合规办公室(ECRC)报告所谓的行为。.

Take Back the Night, 然而, 为了让校园社区的所有成员都能充分参与,是否获得了强制性报告的豁免. 在此特定活动中披露的性行为不端事件将不被视为通知newbb电子平台. 在事件开始之前和结束之后的披露是 not exempt from m和atory reporting.

Survivor Advocacy Program is 总是 这是一种机密资源,免于通过大学进行强制性报告.

You may still choose to 随时向newbb电子平台或执法部门报告不当性行为.  


Take Back the Night is funded by Ohio University’s Student Senate 和 Women’s Center. It is co-sponsored by My Sister’s PlaceSurvivor Advocacy Outreach Program, as well as the following Ohio University offices: the Survivor Advocacy Program, Health Promotion, Counseling 和 Psychological Services, Graduate Student Senate, Center for Community EngagementHousing 和 Residence Life.


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