Graphic for 2024年黑人历史月 with images of Martin Luther King Jr. 学生们举起手臂跳舞.


2024年黑人历史月 graphic with background artistic image of a woman


黑人历史月 is a time to recognize the important contributions of the Black community throughout American history and society and resilience in the face of discrimination.

Throughout the month of 2月ruary, newbb电子平台 celebrates 黑人历史月. The national theme for 2024 is “非裔美国人和艺术,” recognizing the contributions that Black Americans have made to the visual and performing arts, music and more. We use this month as a call to our 俄亥俄州 community to study the history of Black Americans and help cultivate an environment where Black life can be sustained, 受到保护和尊重.

参加我们的活动, lectures and presentations to celebrate and discuss “非裔美国人和艺术."

There are no events to show at this time.


庆祝黑人历史月, we invited members of our 俄亥俄州 community to share what "俄亥俄州的黑人" means to them. 我们希望扩大我们的黑人学生, faculty and staff and discuss the truths and realities of Black Resistance.




Alesha Davis,三年级学生





  • newbb电子平台 Black History Pinterest董事会

    Peruse materials related to Black history & African-American student life at newbb电子平台 from collections of University Archives, 曼恩档案中心 & Special Collections, newbb电子平台 库.

  • 雅典黑人历史之旅

    This virtual tour focuses on achievements of African Americans in 雅典, many of which emplaced the foundations for future successes of African Americans in and outside of our community.

  • 来自奥尔登图书馆的阅读清单

    Alden 图书馆 offers a collection of general and subject-specific materials on anti-racism.


The 多样性和包容性司 would like to thank 黑人历史月 committee members for their contributions — including their time and energy — that ensure a successful month of celebration. 委员会成员包括: Acie Clayborne, 莎莉Delgado, 拉里·海曼, 加里霍尔科姆, 考特尼·凯塞尔, Keamogetse Yasmine Khudu, 丽莎·奎因.