
Creative Writing 研究生 项目

Poetry students with 访问ing Writer Frank Bidart.
Poetry students with 访问ing Writer Frank Bidart.

Creative Writing M.A.

Creative Writing Ph.D.

关于 the Program and Placement Record

One of the first universities in the country to offer a Ph.D. in Creative Writing, Ohio University continues as home to a thriving, widely respected graduate program with concentrations in poetry, 小说, creative non小说.

小型设计, our graduate program offers a comprehensive curriculum, an award-winning faculty and the intimacy of small classes.

Placement Record

Over the past three years, seven of our nine graduating creative writing Ph.D. students have landed tenure-track jobs, post-doctorates, or prestigious visiting writer posts. Our MA graduates go on to study in the top MFA 和Ph值.D. 项目.

Students in the Creative Writing M.A. 和Ph值.D. 项目享受:

  • 研究生 stipends, 最高15美元,000元/年, with opportunities to teach a wide range of courses, including creative writing workshops
  • Generous graduate student travel funding
  • Editorial fellowships on 新俄亥俄评论, Quarter after Eight, 简洁
  • Opportunities to interact with distinguished visiting writers

M.A. candidates complete two years of study and write a thesis of creative work in their genre. Doctoral candidates complete five years of study, comprehensive exams, a major critical essay, a creative dissertation.

Literary Journals

The department and its students publish three literary journals:


The department hosts several annual events including an ambitious Spring Literary Festival that brings five nationally distinguished writers to campus for three-days of readings, 工艺会谈, student discussion. Recent visitors have included Tony Hoagland, Kathryn Harrison, 巴里·洛佩兹, 弗朗辛散文, 彼得·何·戴维斯, 金正日Addonizio, 大卫盾, 罗伯特·哈斯, 查尔斯·西米奇, Yusef Komunyakaa, Marilynne Robinson.

访问ing writers engage with our program year-round as well, appearing in both undergraduate and graduate classes, meeting one-on-one with select students, offering evening readings in the intimate Galbreath Chapel.

In addition to a regular Dogwood Bloom reading series for our graduate students, the creative writing program hosts an annual Writers' Harvest benefit reading for the Southeastern Ohio Food Bank?s Second Harvest, a food distribution program serving 雅典, 霍金, 佩里, 文顿, 杰克逊, 高卢, 将军, Morgan and Washington counties.