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本指南, 改编自newbb电子平台校友会校友顾问委员会的最佳做法, 授权学术领袖建立和培育有效的校友顾问委员会. By following these guidelines, 这是一种宝贵的资源,可以加强与校友社区的联系, 大学, and University levels. 

下面引用的所有例子都来自康复与传播科学学院的物理治疗校友委员会, newbb电子平台健康科学与职业学院. 

OUAA circle logo with paw print.

Name and Affiliation

Based on the affiliation of the board, 创建一个符合逻辑的名称,代表对董事会组成的清晰理解. 确定董事会在大学和各自学院的隶属关系. (Department, 大学, University)

  • 例子: 物理治疗系校友理事会(校友理事会), School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences, newbb电子平台健康科学与职业学院, hereafter referred to as the 校友 Board.


Clearly define the purpose and goals of the advisory board. 了解董事会如何与学院的使命和愿景保持一致,并使其与学院的战略目标保持一致, 学校, or department. Be specific. 

  • 例子: 通过加强在校学生之间的联系,成为newbb电子平台物理治疗的大使, prospective students, 校友, community and corporate partners.


在社区和特定行业中倡导学院, promoting its achievements, 项目, and contributions. 在获得行业认可的同时,校友会经常寻求……

  • Bolster Institutional Reputation: Serve as ambassadors, advocating for the department and university, enhancing public perception, and attracting valuable partnerships. 
  • Enhance Student Recruitment & Experience: Provide insights into industry trends, advise on curriculum development, and mentor current students, enriching the overall student experience. 
  • Elevate 校友 Development: Organize professional development workshops, networking 事件, and mentorship 项目, 促进校友终身学习和职业发展. Membership 标准:


Determine the criteria for selecting board members. 决定会员资格是否对外部利益相关者和教职员工开放,或者 only 校友 from the program/university.

  • 例子: 校友委员会的成员资格对newbb电子平台物理治疗系的所有校友开放.

Composition and Term Limits

Consider the optimal size of the advisory board. 确保跨学科、行业和人口统计的多元化代表. 请记住,更多的董事会成员意味着更多的后勤考虑. 

  • 例子: 一个由大约20-25名成员组成的精选小组,列出职责和机会. 这一任命的任期为3年,成员数目错开.

Roles and Responsibilities

定义顾问委员会成员的角色和责任. 阐明对出席、参与和贡献的期望. 要非常具体,清楚地说明董事会是否有慈善因素参与.


  • 有机会在至少一个常务委员会任职. Potential task forces are: 校友 Relations, Professional Development and Networking, Fund Raising, and Community Service.
  • Identify, recruit and involve other 校友 as volunteers. 这包括协助提名物理治疗校友董事会的校友.
  • Commit to a leadership level minimum financial gift of $1,在服务期间,须向物理治疗部的基金帐户支付10,000元. 
  • Nominate Physical Therapy 校友 for 校友 Awards
  • 通过与公司或实体的个人联系,协助PT部门为newbb电子平台物理治疗专业的学生/毕业生开发实习/就业机会.
  • 支持 校友 activities within your specific region.
  • Identify individuals, corporations, 以及有可能为物理治疗部门提供巨额捐赠的基金会.


Determine the frequency and format of advisory board meetings. 决定会议是面对面举行,还是虚拟会议,或者两者都有. Annual meetings should be established for reporting purposes, as well as strategic and intentional decision making, such as the election of officers or new members.

  • 例子: 年会将于春季或秋季在雅典举行. Additional meetings may be called by the 校友 Board.  It is the intent that notice of the date, time, 会议地点应在会议召开前至少六十(60)天通知会员.

Agendas and Minutes

建立制定会议议程和分发会议记录的流程. 确保讨论和决定有良好的文件记录,以备将来参考. 仔细考虑谁将做会议记录,以及需要大学工作人员的哪些支持. 

Additionally, anticipate where meetings will take place. Who will reserve rooms, and where will board members park. Will hotel rooms be needed? Is food a consideration. Carefully weigh your options. 

Conflicts of Interest

确保遵守与咨询委员会相关的任何法律或道德考虑. 澄清任何利益冲突政策和披露要求. Consider having each board member sign an annual COI form. 

Additional Considerations

  • 物流 & Management: The department will be responsible for organizing meetings, 事件, and communication with board members. Plan meticulously and consider financial implications.
  • Relationship Management: 培养与董事会成员的牢固关系对于他们的持续参与和支持至关重要. 确定与学院行政部门和教职员工的合作水平. 
  • Strategic Communication: 利用大学的传播和市场资源来展示董事会的活动和成就, amplifying their impact. Also consider communication channels between board members. 考虑使用在线平台进行讨论和文档共享.
  • Recognition: 决定如何在学院内部和外部推广和认可顾问委员会的活动. 考虑在你的大学网站上建立一个专门的登陆页面来宣传顾问委员会成员和他们对俄亥俄州的服务. 
  • Budget and Funding: Establish a budget for the advisory board's activities. 在决定每年举行多少次面对面会议时,要仔细考虑预算. 探索 potential sources of funding and support.

University Advancement 支持


  • OUAA can provide a list of existing boards at 俄亥俄州.
  • The MG team can recommend board members.
  • OUAA可以提供俄亥俄州董事会如何运作的例子(OUAA董事会,部门董事会等).). Things like charters, officers, best practices, etc.
  • OUAA可以展示校友参与和服务的例子.
  • MG和OUAA可以分享成功和失败的董事会故事.
  • OUAA can help these boards utilize the Bobcat Network to:
    • Share department news with 校友, advertise 事件
    • 找到其他举手并希望参与的校友
    • 与那些举手并希望得到指导的在校生联系
    • 把它当作一个数字仪表盘来保存文件和照片,互相交流